Thursday, 7 July 2011

keeping you updated

So ive now finished college and am no longer forced to produce art work after art work for my a-levels. I'm really enjoying the freedom and the break from stress. Although being me I have realised ive actually not stopped producing little bits of art work here and there. First there was my arts award (not technically an a level but an extra qualification. I produced these pictures of my sister for a magazine i produced...
and then there was my little chiffon top I made from left over fabric. Not the most beautifully seamed/produced garment but I had nothing to do and this filled the bordem and produced a few scarred finger tips in my eager rush to finish...
then there was my interior designing, I decided to have my whole family (the use of 'whole' makes my family seem huge, there's only 5 of us) down in my shed for a meal. I tend to get a bit carried away with the decor and probually spent more time on it than the food but it needed it as my room looked as though a bomb had dropped before i set to work...
I think thats about it but i'll keep you posted if anything else pops into my brain.